EU Green Week 2021 Zero Pollution

One of the Communities for Future is Boekel Ecovillage in the Netherlands. It’s main purpose is to be an inspiring example of sustainable living. Boekel Ecovillage has been designed to create zero pollution. That is why we are proud to participate in the EU Green Week 2021!

We have planned five animated guided tours on zero pollution subjects:

May 31st on 8:50: How to design houses for clean air in Boekel Ecovillage
Our houses are designed to have a healthy indoor climate. We work together with our insurance company, Achmea, and monitor the air with 9 sensors. One of the houses even has a twitter account and is going to tweet about the air quality. In a short animation we will show how we designed this.

June 1st on 8:50: How to design a water plan for your village as in Boekel Ecovillage
One of the Communities for Future is Boekel Ecovillage in the Netherlands. It’s main purpose is to be an inspiring example of sustainable living. Our water plan is designed to save water and we clean our own waste water ecologically. Innovation experts from the drinking water company and two water boards helped improve our water plan. In a short animation we will show how it’s designed.

June 2nd on 8:50: How to create a healthy soil for your garden as in Boekel Ecovillage
One of the Communities for Future is Boekel Ecovillage in the Netherlands. It’s main purpose is to be an inspiring example of sustainable living. When we bought our land we had to regenerate the dead soil to thriving, living soil. We created a biodiversity plan to regenreate the soil and make a home for ten vulnerable species around our houses. We consulted experts on each specie. In a short animation we will show what we planned.

June 3rd on 8:50: How Circular Economy in the EU can thrive as in Boekel Ecovillage
One of the Communities for Future is Boekel Ecovillage in the Netherlands. It’s main purpose is to be an inspiring example of sustainable living. We are mentioned in a Dutch law that gives exemption to general laws for innovative, sustainable projects. They are monitored while they can evolve and when everything goes well, the general laws are changed. The EU should have such a law. In a short animation we will show what that means.

June 4th on 8:50: How to live within our ecological planetary boundaries as in Boekel Ecovillage
One of the Communities for Future is Boekel Ecovillage in the Netherlands. It’s main purpose is to be an inspiring example of sustainable living. We want to prove humans can have a positive impact on their natural environment. We can live within the means of the planet. In a short animation we will show who we do that.

2 reacties

  1. Henny van Tongerloo

    Geweldig wat er al tot stand is gekomen in Boekel.

    Heb even een vraag
    Hoe lossen jullie het op om medicijn residuen uit het spoelwater van de toilet te krijgen?

    Harten groet
    Henny van Tongerloo

    • Hoi Henny, het lukt nooit helemaal. Het waterschap kan nog maar 65% eruit halen en dan is Aa en Maas nog een van de meest innovatieve. We zorgen allereerst ervoor dat mensen zo gezond mogelijk zijn (biologisch eten, gezonde woonomgeving, veel beweging), zodat er zo weinig mogelijk medicijnen nodig zijn. Een expert van het waterschap heeft gezegd dat uit onderzoek blijkt dat een helofytenfilter zelf voldoende medicijnresten uit het water haalt. De rest komt in de bodem op ongeveer 3-6 meter diepte. Daar zijn ook nog organismen die de bodem reinigen. In één theelepeltje bodem zitten meer bacteriën dan er mensen op Aarde zijn. Dus die gaan dan nog aan de gang. Zelf een onderzoek doen naar medicijnresten is te duur (€ 250.000). Ik hoop dat ik je vraag heb kunnen beantwoorden.
      Vriendelijke groeten,
      Ad Vlems

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