What is Ecovillage Boekel to the Ministry?

Biomimicry? It is clear to see the ambition of the initiator Ad Vlems. He said he already wants to live in the village and start with the first eco-activities, by 2015! And he is not the only one, also in several other places in the Netherlands ecovillages begin to occur.

As a member of the Management Participation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, I first had to discover the relationship between my daily work and Ecodorp Boekel. Though I soon discovered the connections. Ecodorp Boekel is a social initiative that deals with energy, food, water, healthcare, education, tourism and administrative reforms. I think this would be the link with me as a participation-expert and Ecodorp Boekel. How can we raise a local initiative that crosses many sectors – and where lays such a broad, national and international, movement behind – over the threshold? And for which departments, authorities and other parties would this be interesting? Let’s start to connect all those parties, to see what it will bring.

Eén reactie

  1. Hi,

    I,am Álvaro, i,m a student of sociology in Spain. I´m researching ecovillages for my college thesis. I have heard stories about Boekel ecovillage who have awakened my desire to know more about this ecovillage and if is posible visit it. I would like to know how you manage and organize the volunteeting/wwoof; the work, the time of stay…

    Thank for your time,


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