photo-li-2Hi, I’m Li from Taiwan. I have stayed in ecodorp Boekel as a volunteer for three weeks since mid Oct. I was introduced by a post in helpx website. The post revoked me something deep in my mind: living in a lifestyle that is self-sufficient, away from big cities…

Luckily, I’m here. During my stay, I was heavily involved in the construction work. It was a pleasant experience working with the villagers here: we build the internal wall in the house, install heating panel, do the painting, plant the walnut tree in the permacultuur garden, cheer for the accomplishment we made everyday. Here is like a living organism, everyday there is a new works being done. And that makes me feel great.

People here are friendly, skillful, patient, warm-hearted and they are willing to explain everything from the beginning. I remembered in my first time working with the fermacell with other two fellows. It took me a while to screw on the fermacell. But they are just calm and watch me screw and make sure I did right before proceeding their works.

I was introduced to permaculture, a complete new idea for me. It is interesting to discover many wisdom hidden in the garden.

Through the dinner time with each host, I started to figure out the difficulties, the process of starting every thing from zero, also the other stories. These conversation inspired me much.

Ecodorp Boekel is a place that integrates lots of brilliant ideas together. I’m as excited as you to see what it will come, what will Ecodorp be.  I hope you can come closer to your dream little by little every day.